Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.
From the Pharisees to the Catholics to their Protestant offspring to the Jehovah's witnesses and the Muslims, those twice the sons of hell religious prosthelytes caught up in institutionalized religious Brainwashing and the accompanying religious Delusions do not have eyes to see and never have. To them, lies are truth and truth is a lie. To them, evil is good and good is evil. To them, their wickedness and deplorable unloving behavior is always justifiable even when it means crucifying the Lord Jesus Himself, burning other true followers of the Heavenly Father at the stake, or pre-emptively initiating hostile and abusive personal attacks against those who do not agree with their religious Dogma. None of those counterfeit religious systems and their twice the sons of hell prosthelytes are of the Heavenly Father, but rather, they are all anti-Christ.
I stand with the Heavenly Father behind everything i have already written Rainy and will not bother to further reinforce it at this time. Obviously you and i are in disagreement and the back and forth has to end somewhere.
Genuinely hoping the best for you.
God bless.