What is the Liver Flush? What is the Gallbladder Flush?
Procedure of cleansing the liver by taking consecutive flushes every 2 weeks and curing the "Incurable Diseases"
The liver flush is a procedure designed for cleansing the liver and the
gallbladder. It usually includes drinking some oil and some fruit juice.
Beside oil and juice, different recipes are asking for taking other drinks, like
Epsom Salt (Magnesium sulfate) or Magnesium Citrate or Magnesium Chloride or
Coca Cola, or egg yolks. On
this web page you will find 15 different recipes for the Amazing Liver Flush. If
you follow this link,
you will find hundreds of stories left by those who cured the "Incurable
Diseases" by flushing the liver. Hundreds of educational storis are to be
found on the next link.
The liver flush usually takes only 16 hours of your evening and your night, but
you are suppose to repeat the procedure every 2-4 weeks to achieve maximum
benefits. A single liver flush may improve your health for the next few weeks. A
series of 5-15 liver flushes done every 2-3 weeks, can improve your health for
the next several months or even several years and can help you cure some of the
worst "incurable diseases" like life-long psoriasis, eczema, cystic acne,
seborrheic dermatitis, fatty liver, gallstones attack, Parkinson's disease,
ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, peeling lips (exfoliative cheilitis),
extreme body odor, candida fungal infection, PCOS, MS, PMS, CFS, ME, clinical
depression, schisophrenia, etc. If you have any questions unanswered on
this page, following the next link will bring you to the
Frequently Asked Questions on the Liver
The Most Simple Liver Flush and Gallbladder Flush recipe
This is the most simple recipe, and is god enough for relatively healthy kids, teenagers and relatively healthy young adults who only suffer from some less serious health problems like teen acne, child eczema, smely sweat, child seborrheic dermatitis, peeling lips, arm pain, shoulder pain, dry skin, cracked nails, weak hair, ring worm, pinworms, etc. If you are a healthy young person, no serious health conditons, just some annoying skin, face, nail or hair problems, this recipe is good enough for you.
Ingredients (The Most Simple Liver Flush):
1. one large grapefruit or 2 smaller grapefruits, enough to squeeze 1/2 cup
of fresh juice ( other fruit can be used! )
Body weight and the dose relation If you are a small child or a small adult, you can drink half of this dose. You are considered small, if your body weight is below 30-40 kg (60 - 80 lbs). If you are afraid to do liver flush, you can also try 1/2 of the full adult dose. If you are extremely afraid to do liver flush, you can try 1/4 of the full adult dose. If your body weight is between 30kg(60 lbs) and 60kg (120 lbs), you can drink 2/3 of this amount. If your body weight is between 60kg(120 lbs) and 90kg (200 lbs), you can drink the complete 1 cup of the mixture. If your body weight is over 90kg (200 lbs), you can drink more than 1 cup of the mixture, but not the first time you are doing the liver flush. The first time you are doing the liver flush it is more then enough to drink 1 cup of the mixture. |
The procedure; The most simple liver flush
The day of the flush: eat light breakfast and a light lunch, not much fat, not
much spices. Do not eat anything after 2pm (14:00).
You can drink water after 2 pm, but do not eat, and do not take any food or any
pills or vitamins after 2pm.
Do not do any strenous exercises. Choose a day like Saturday, day when you have
nothing difficult to do. You can walk, but don't run.
Do not drink water or anything else after 7pm (19:00)
If you are very thisty, you can drink small amount of water. It is important
that you are both thisty and hungry in the evening. That will make it possible
to drink the juice with oil and to enyoj it.
At 9:55 pm (21:55) squeeze fresh juice from the grapefruit.
You don't need a juicer. You can squeeze the juice by using you hands and a
Blend 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed juice with 1/2 cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Drink the mixture slowly at 10pm ( 22:00 ).
Walk out slowly for one to two hours making sure you are not feeling like
throwing up the mixture. Try to burp, if you feel heavy in your stomach.
Make sure you do not have a lot of gas in your stomach, before you go to sleep.
Around midnight go to sleep. The day after you may have loose stool or
diarrhea. You may see some hard green or yellow objects in your poop. That is
hardened bile. Some of those smaller objects may have existed in your liver or
your gallbladder in that size or shape, while some of the larger objects may
have been formed overnight in your intestines from the bile and smaller
objects flushed out by your liver and your gallbladder.
Repeat this procedure every 2-3 weeks, to completely cure food intolerance, acne, peeling lips, dry skin, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, keratosis pilaris, ingrown toenails, pinworms, topical steroids addiction, alcohol addiction, etc.
Can it be done at other times? Can it be done in the morning, or during the day?
Yes, you can do it in the morning. You can drink the mixture in the
morning, just make sure you are never too far away from a toilet.
You should have at least 2 hours to slowly walk after you drink the cup with
oil-juice mixture. Walking helps digest the juice.
Can I use juice from some other fruit?
Yes, you can use: lemons, limes, oranges, pomelo, pineapple, granate apple, acid apple juice, grape juice etc.
Can I use some other oil?
Yes, you can use sunflower oil, corn oil, soy oil etc.
Does oil passes through the liver and the gallbladder?
Not immediately after being consumed. Oil actually goes through intestines just alike any other food we consume, and while it is inside our stomach and inside our duodenum, it stimulates liver to produce more bile, and it stimulates gallbladder (if you still have it) to squeeze itself and to empy its content into the duodenum. But, after the oil have been digested, and fatty acids have been absorbed into the blood stream, fatty acids are carried by the blood stream (portal vein) directly into the liver, so on the long run, oil actually enters the liver, caried by blood.
Liver cleansing recipe is the same as gall bladder cleansing recipe!
Cleansing of both organs is achieved by the same procedure!
Bowel cleanse & Liver/gallbladder cleanse (together with parasites cleanse) is really the most simple way to start curing acne, high cholesterol, eczema, psoriasis, asthma, allergies, gallstones, food intolerance, shoulder pain, abdominal pain, upper back pain, arm pain, gallstones attack, liver pain, gallbladder pain, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, heartburn, bloating, inflammatory bowel disease IBD, IBS, colitis, constipation, cancer, AIDS, MS, FMS, MSC, CFIDS/CFS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, seizures, osteoporosis, angina pectoris... Read and learn how to help yourself !
Start with reading different recipes for liver flush/cleanse. There are 9 recipes for liver flush, and several pages describing different procedures for gradual liver cleanse.
This survey is aimed at people who have at least once tried a Liver/Gallbladder Flush. If you have never tried a liver flush, you should not participate in this survey. Instead, you can proceed directly to the survey results. Soon, there will be other survey aimed at people who have never tried a liver flush.
Liver Flush is a very popular cleansing method and results achieved are sometimes very dramatic. Enter the liver flush forum and click on the recommended messages link. You will find large number of stories, from people who often achieved almost "miraculous" healing.
How safe is the flush? How effective? For who? Are there people who should not do the flush?
Internet survey is the cheapest way of finding a fairly reliable answer to those questions.
Survey results:
Large amount of bile moving from gallbladder into duodenum may carry some stones out into duodenum!
That way, liver flush may help get the gallstones out. A single liver flush may not be enough.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
Link 5
Are there any risks associated with gallstones and gallbladder flushing?
Risks are small, but 1 out of 150 people with symptomatic gallstones may experience stone stuck inside the cystic duct or stone stuck inside the common bile duct. Source: Reference
1 out of 150 people with symptomatic gallstones who try liver flush may experience serious case of acute pancreatitis and may need emergency medical help! Source: Reference
If you have asymptomatic gallstones, the odds are in the range of 1 out of 500.
Read more here about the risks associated with liver
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4
How many people with symptomatic gall stones experience cure after liver flushing?
56 of 121 = 46% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experience improvement after liver flushing?
55 of 115 = 48% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones regretted liver flushing?
2 of 158 = 1% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gall stones got worse after liver flushing?
4 of 131 = 3% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones got no improvement after liver flushing?
6 of 104 = 6% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced SERIOUS case of acute pancreatitis after liver flushing?
1 of 141 = 1% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced MILD case of acute pancreatitis after liver flushing?
5 of 147 = 3% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced STRONG gallbladder attack during a liver flush?
1 of 141 = 1% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced MEDIUM strong gallbladder attack during a liver flush?
18 of 147 = 12% Source: Reference
How many people with symptomatic gallstones experienced MILD gallbladder attack during a liver flush?
11 of 147 = 7% Source: Reference
# of flushes | % of people cured |
1 flush | 13% |
2 flushes | 23% |
3 flushes | 31% |
4 flushes | 41% |
5 flushes | 43% |
6 flushes | 36% |
7 - 10 flushes | 51% |
11-15 flushes | 50% |
Frequently Asked Questions
Differences Between Extra-Virgin, Fine Virgin, and Ordinary Virgin Olive Oil
Answers are illustrated with over 800 personal stories!
Safety Questions:
- SAFETY: ATTACK? ... Can I suffer gallstones attack while doing liver a...
- SAFETY: SICK? COLD? Should I cleanse when I have a cold?
- SAFETY: ????
- SAFETY: CHILDREN? Can Children cleanse liver and gallbladder?
- SAFETY: CHOLESTEROL? (High) and doing a Liver Flush?
- SAFETY: DIABETES? ... Is it safe for Diabetics to do liver cleanse, con...
- SAFETY: FREQUENT FLUSHING: How often can you flush? Every 2 weeks or mo...
- SAFETY: HYPERTENSION? ... Can I use Epsom Salts if I suffer from High B...
- SAFETY: INFLAMED GALLBLADDER ... Can I flush liver/gallbladder?
- SAFETY: MASTER CLEANSE FAST: Breaking a fast with liver flush?
- SAFETY: NURSING a newborn and doing a flush?
- SAFETY: PANCREATITIS or JAUNDICE caused by flushing?
- SAFETY: PREGNANCY? ... Which is the safest gallbladder cleanse during ...
- SAFETY: STONE STUCK in duct ... Can the flush help?
- SAFETY: SURGERY! Reasons needed for avoiding gallbladder removal?
- SAFETY: SURGERY? Is it safe to do liver cleanse following gallbladder r...
Science & Facts Questions:
- Gallstones can not be expelled from gallbladder! Fact or Fiction?
- SCIENCE: Will removal of gallbladder get rid of intrahepatic stones?
- Stones prior to oil/grapefruit mix?
- SCIENCE: ANALYZED STONES - GALLSTONES? ... Liver Stones being analyzed ?..
- SCIENCE: COMPOSITION? What are gallstones composed of?
- SCIENCE: EPSOM SALTS? What are Epsom Salts ? Magnesium Sulfate Heptahydrate?
- SCIENCE: Liver Flush - Quackery or Reliable Remedy
- SCIENCE: What happened to the 1/2 cup of olive oil that I drank the night before?
- SCIENCE: Can oil that we drink, lubricate bile ducts?
- SCIENCE: Colors? ... Gallstone Colors ? What do the colors indicate?
- SCIENCE: Dyeing to know the answer
- SCIENCE: Has anyone had an ultrasound before & after a cleanse and had positive result?
- SCIENCE: How do we know that stones are formed inside liver?
- SCIENCE: How Gallstones Are Formed
- SCIENCE: Liver stones or just some formations of oil mixed with body ju...
- SCIENCE: liver supplements-capsules or extract
- SCIENCE: NO GALLBLADDER! ... where did this stone come from? I don't ha...
- SCIENCE: OILS? ... Can I use some other oil?
- SCIENCE: ORNITHINE? What is Ornithine?
- SCIENCE: SIZE: What is the size and weight of the liver?
- SCIENCE: SIZE? How big is Gallbladder? How much bile can Gallbladder h...
- SCIENCE: What is biliary sludge?
- SCIENCE: Why do stones melt OUTSIDE of the body?
- SCIENCE: Why is Epsom Salt burning on the way out?
- Could these be Gallstones? The Lancet Volume 365, Number 9468 16 April 2...
- Are green blobs baby gallstones?
- Bright green stones....Are they from the liver or Gallbladder
- Does anyone know the origins of liver flushing?
Experience Questions:
- EXPERIENCE: ATTACK ! ..HELP! Gallstones Attack! Pain ... What can I do?
- EXPERIENCE: bowel cleanse first before gall bladder flush?
- EXPERIENCE: CALCIFIED STONES? Is there anyone who flushed calcified stones out from their gallbladder?
- EXPERIENCE: CITRUS ALLERGY ... Can I use non-citric fruit juice when doing liver flush?
- EXPERIENCE: DOCTOR! ... positive feedback from their doctors about doing liver flish?
- EXPERIENCE: extreme diarrhoea with 1st flush - are Epsom salts really necessary?
- EXPERIENCE: Gallbladder flush confusion.
- EXPERIENCE: Herbs to help the cleanse to be more successful
- EXPERIENCE: Liver Enzymes, Cholesterol, Blood Lipids, can liver cleanse help?
- EXPERIENCE: NO STONES! ... Second flush and AGAIN no noticeable stones???
- EXPERIENCE: NO STONES? Anyone eliminated all stones?
- EXPERIENCE: Olive Oil and Malic Acid Questions?
- EXPERIENCE: POLYPS? Gallbladder polyp? Can cleanse help?
- EXPERIENCE: possible solutions to flush problems - (my personal opinions)
- EXPERIENCE: Should vegan's flush?
- EXPERIENCE: STONES & NO FLUSH! Can you get stones out without flushing liver?
- EXPERIENCE: SUCCESS Stories: Curing Diseases With Liver Flush?
- EXPERIENCE: ulrasound showed stones remaining after 3 flushes
- EXPERIENCE: Ultrasound showed no stones-Will a flush still produce stone...
- EXPERIENCE: What do I use to break up stones before flush?
- EXPERIENCE: What will the liver/gallstone flush look like in the toilet ?
- EXPERIENCE: Why won't my stones come out with the flush?
- Easier Way to flush everything out of your liver - Egg yolks and Lime Juice flush?
Read also at least 20 messages posted in Liver Flush Forum:
Flush & Gallstones Support Forum
(for people who need support beyond doubt)
Liver Flush & Gallstones Debate Forum: Questioning Liver & Gallbladder Flush
(for skeptics and alike who need to ask questions already answered in
Join Gallstones Support Group on Yahoo
100.000 messages have been
archived in Liver Flush Forum archives:
Archive # 14
, # 13, # 12
, # 11 , # 10
, # 9 , # 8
, # 7 , # 6
, # 5 , # 4
, # 3 , # 2 , #
Gradual Liver / gallbladder Cleansing
Those cleansing procedures can be done several times a week, regardless if you are flushing or not.
Liver Health & Gallstones
For Your Eyes Only
500 Photo Images
Cleansing Photo Gallery
Read Testimonials:
Result of Liver/gallbladder Flush.
Intrahepatic Stones - Stones Inside Liver Bile Ducts
Combine Gallstones Flush with Castor oil Packs
Now, after you have read all of the above, you are ready for the liver flush !
Ingredients for liver cleanse - gallbladder cleanse:
Ingredients 1/2 Cup(= 1.25 dl) Olive Oil Extra Virgin 1 Big grapefruit (2 small) (Or use 3 lemons) 4 tablespoons of EPSOM salts = MgSO4 = Magnesium Sulfate 3 cups water (=750 dl) (P.S .!! 1 cup = 250 ml = 2.5 dl = 0.25 l ) |
Gallbladder surgically removed:
This photo was obtained from Edward C. Klatt MD, University of Utah Health
Science Center, which retains the copyright. Multiple yellow-tan faceted gallstones
are seen in the opened gallbladder pictured here.
It is possible for a stone to exit the gallbladder via the cystic duct. It may
then produce obstruction of cystic duct, or it may get into the common bile duct and
obstruct that. It may obstruct at the ampulla of Vater and produce a
pancreatitis. Biliary
tract obstruction leads to jaundice with increased total and direct bilirubin in serum .
Judging from the size of the stones, and from the number, those stones
have been created inside liver, inside hepatic bile ducts, and then have rolled down to
the gallbladder.
People who have such a small stones inside gallbladder, can easily cleanse them
with gallstones cleanse.
When your gallbladder is so full of stones, you can count that you already have
at least 1000 stones inside your liver !
Note: Gallstones are not only tann/green in color. They can be of any color !
Liver cleanse - Gallbladder cleanse - Liver flush - NO surgery
WARNING! Make sure you are able to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt) before you attempt to consume 4 tablespoons. People unable to tolerate Magnesium Sulfate may suffer negative reaction, even death. Several people died from the results of Epsom Salt overdose.
Water filters and water ionizers: Platinum Alkaline Water Ionizer
Gallbladder Surgery Statistics "Gallbladder Surgery is the most common
surgical procedure in North
America. Approximately 80% of all gallstones show no symptoms and may remain "silent" for years." |