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Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.
Living in the Spirit Views: 1,170
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Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.

Once again Rainy, just as in the last verse you provided, there is nothing here about a trinity God. Instead just more eisegetic presuppositions which is not honest scholarship. There are thousands of verses where God is expressed as being one, is referred to as He and refers to Himself as "I", but can you point out a single verse where the supposedly triune God says "We are three"?, i am or we are a triume God? i am or we are God in three persons?

Is there anything to support the idea of a three person God that is not hidden in a secret code that only trinitarians can discipher?

And even if there is an occasional secret code verse that can be interpreted in such a way that it seemingly supports the trinity, what does an honest scholar like yourself do, someone so deeply sincere in wanting to know the truth - whatever the truth may be, however unpopular within institutionalized religion it may be - using proper exegesis and other forms of honest scholarship and honest seeking of God's true heart... what do you do with the thousands of very clear verses expressing that God is one, so consistently referring to Him as one person rather than three? Why do thousands of verses refer to God as He or I, rather than they or we? If one is being fair minded and sincere in seeking for God's truth and not just automatically trusting in Catholic dogma, aren't these at least reasonable questions to ask?

If God was a trinity and if this was so critically important for His children to understand, wouldn't you think He would have made this much more clear to everybody rather than making it seem in thousands of verses that He is one person and then sneaking in some secret code verses hinting that He might be three?

Instead all we have are just a small number of verses in a secret code that only trinitarians using eisegetic presuppositions and other forms of dishonest scholarship are able to interpret into trinitarianism while ignoring thousands of anti-trinitarian verses and to then insist that every follower of Jesus must agree with them lest they be anathema.

If God is a trinity, then you would undoubtedly have excellent answers to all of these questions rather than miscellaneous bible verses that have nothing to do with a trinity God. If what you believe is actually true, then these are honest questions in which Spirit and Truth explanations would be able to help reinforce your truth, both to you and to everybody reading this. Or if on the other hand it is a dishonest doctrine, then Spirit and Truth honest searching into these questions would help you to see that it's a false doctrine or that it is extremely flimsy at best and that it is contradicted by the vast preponderance of bible verses on the topic.

As a very sincere hypothetical question Rainy, if God was not a trinity and if the religious system hypothetically had deceived you and billions of other religious conformists who had placed their trust in this Catholic originated dogma, using whatever methods at their disposal including coersion, threat of ostracization, threat of torture and/or death, etc, would you want to know or would you want to remain deceived? If the system did develop a dishonest doctrine of a trinity God and if it actually was false, are you doing any honest and critical exegetical studying and seeking at all that would help you to see this?

God bless you and once again thank you for keeping it civil.

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