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Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.
Living in the Spirit Views: 992
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Re: Warning against institutionalized religious Dogma.

The very truth that would help to de-program you from the Brainwashing lies of the Catholic originated religious Cult to which you have sold your soul - and which is a derivative of the pharisee originated religious Cult before it - is the very truth you so willfully reject.

Because you have been so thoroughly Brainwashed by that Religious Cult - just as is true with other Brainwashed Cult members in other situations such as Jehova's witness and Islam that you would be able to recognize - the truth is going to feel to you and these other cult members like lies/deception/gas lighting since you have become so deeply caught up in deplorable sin and so thoroughly convinced that your religious idol and its Dogma is ultimate truth, rather than actually being filled with and led by the Holy Spirit for yourself, the Heavenly Father's Spirit which would be showing you the truth that you are trapped in the counterfeit religious system, the Whore church and a Massive institutionalized Religious Cult if only you would allow His truth to speak to you. As is also true with the Muslims and the Jehovah's witnesses, any time you place so much trust in a religious Cult as you have done, you surrender your will to that Cult and you are no longer willing or able to actually hear the Heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit for yourself.

I know it would be truly heartbreaking for you Rainy to finally realize that all of these years you have been caught up in a Religious Delusion as a prosthelyte puppet of this Religious Cult just as is true with Jehova's witnesses and Muslims and that most likely a big part of this was Brainwashed into you through fundamentalist bible college, but ultimately i'm sure you would be really happy to finally be free from the bondage you are in to that false institutionalized Brainwashing Cult that is the Whore church.

Can you imagine how freeing it would be to recognize that the infinitely wise and loving Heavenly Father is not a God that supports slavery, rape and double standards against women?... and that your religious Cult was lying to you about all of this by systematically indoctrinating you into its deception that says everything in its bible is 100% God breathed, inerrant, infallible and the final authority above God Himself just because it's counsel of corrupted and murderous catholic bishops said so and declared their decision to be infallible?

To someone free from the religious Brainwashing, it's so easy to see through the twice the sons of hell religious delusion that you are caught up in, but i know it must be incredibly hard for you since what you have are religious scales over your eyes instead of eyes that are able to see truth. This religious delusion is so strong that you actually believe that Lord Jesus is aligned with your pagan influenced Catholic originated Dogma, and aligned with your religious Cult from which this Dogma emerged.

If you don't want freedom from this Catholic originated religious Cult to which you have sold your soul, and from the immense twice the sons of hell religious wickedness and other sin you have surrendered yourself into, then yes, by all means let us agree to disagree.

The Heavenly Father will sort it out in the end and i believe He will go easy on you and treat you with the Love in which your Catholic originated religious Cult and the pharisee Cult from which it is derived has always been so deeply lacking, including in crucifying the Lord Jesus Himself and in burning God's other true followers at the stake all the while actually Delusionally believing they were doing the Heavenly Father a favor. This same spirit has you trapped Rainy and i am so deeply rooting for you to get free.

God bless.


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