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Warning against religious system Dogma.

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Living in the Spirit Views: 1,128
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Warning against religious system Dogma.

Rainy: "The one belief that all false religions have in common is that they deny the deity of Christ."

Ed: So says the false catholic church, the whore church which invented the lie in the first place and its religious institutionalized non-catholic offspring. You place your trust in what that institution has coerced religious conformists such as yourself to believe. That counterfeit whore church which is itself a false religion and a massive cult ignored thousands of verses in their own bible which point to a one person God and invented the idea of a trinity God. Sadly you were all too compliant in allowing that religious system to deceive you and you actually convinced yourself that you were using Holy Spirit discernment in doing so. Perhaps you were afraid to seek the truth for yourself and you felt comfort in religiously aligning yourself with something more mainstream, wide road, and institutionally backed, however false.

I know you refuse to honestly answer any of my logical and rational questions Rainy, so i ask the following rhetorically. Do you actually believe the decisions of catholic counsels were inerrant and infallible as that counterfeit religious institution proclaims them to be? Do you believe the Heavenly Father had his guiding hand on that whore church's decisions?

You are twisting and lying Rainy and placing your trust in institutionalized religion and its false dogma at the expense of true Holy Spirit discernment. You are manipulating and gas lighting with straw man attacks by suggesting that i don't believe in using discernment when in fact using discernment is exactly what i do believe in and this is what i have so clearly stated... as opposed to what you have been doing, trading your discernment in for a misplaced trust in various decisions of the whore catholic church. You are manipulating and gas lighting by saying that every false religion does not believe in the deity of Christ when in reality the original false and counterfeit version of Christianity, the original Cult, the whore Catholic church is the false church that invented that false teaching in the first place.

Depending upon whose definition of "cult" you are placing your faith in, cults primarily are about the kind of religious control and domination that the catholic church has always asserted to coerce people and that you are so deeply caught up in, the insistence that people are not allowed to seek God and to discern for themselves. You belong to such a cult and you practice these controlling and dominating cultish behaviors yourself, insisting that people have to agree with you on certain issues of religious dogma lest you seek to manipulate them by launching your hostility filled personal attacks against them.

If not the Catholic church and its also religious protestant offspring, which institutionalized religious system do you think you are parroting when you make this claim that only religious institutions that don't believe in the deity of Christ are the false religions? There are cults that don't believe in the deity of Christ Rainy and there are other cults including Catholicism and Protestantism - the massive mainstream religious cult to which you belong and so fanatically defend - that do believe the false Catholic dogma about the deity of Christ and the trinity God in spite of thousands of verses from their own bible that clearly demonstrate otherwise.

Rainy: "Also, notice how Ed has tried to intimidate me. Think for yourself. What kind of people are known for this kind of behavior? What groups are known for this?"

Ed: Intimidate how so Rainy? From my perspective it is you who initiated extreme hostility and personal aggression due to differences of opinion that could have been discussed in a civil and mutually respectful manner, a gracious interaction which was initiated by me, but a graciousness which you chose to reject and to instead launch into your angry tirade of personal attacks. I stated my heart felt positions in a non hostile and non aggressive manner and you proceeded as is your long established pattern of dysfunction in situations where you hold to differing opinions to become hostile and aggressive against me with personal attacks because i don't agree with certain false teachings formulated by the false catholic church, the religious cult in which you have placed so much trust and which you so fanatically and so angrily defend.

Why do you think you are you unable to simply dialogue through differences of opinion in a civil manner without leveling angry personal attacks? I suggest it's because you are in idolatry to the false church system, various of its false teachings, and also to this system's partially true and partially false bible. I also suggest that this has clustered into anger and other issues of the flesh as well. When people are in idolatry and their idols are challenged, such idolaters have been known to lose their temper just as you have repeatedly done.

Think for yourself rainy. It is your behavior that parallels the arrogant and fanatical judgementalism of your catholic forefathers who tortured and murdered those who dared to discern God's heart for themselves and who dared to not submit under that institutionalized religious system and conform to its control, manipulation, domination, and false dogma. It is you and not me Rainy that insists that everybody has to agree with that massive controlling, dominating, lying, murderous cult's false conclusions.

By contrast Rainy, i encourage everybody including you to seek God for themselves apart from institutionalized religious coercion, that system's false teachings and preconceived notions... whereas you insist that people have to align with certain religious dogma that was birthed in the whore church lest you launch into hostile personal attacks against them.

It would help you a lot to try to not be so emotional, angry and controlling... with such high expectations that everybody has to agree with you... and for you to allow people to have free will and accept that not everybody will agree with the dogma of your religious cult, doing this without feeling the need to level personal attacks against those with whom you have a difference of opinion. You don't have to be such an aggressive watchdog for Catholic Dogma. I respect your right to agree with the Catholic church all you want, i would just ask that you don't try to force it upon me or others with your hostilities and other manipulations the way the counterfeit catholic church has been doing for centuries. You don't have to behave like your catholic predecessors.

I feel bad for you rainy in this religious meltdown you are experiencing and it's a shame to see you like this. I would encourage you to please humble yourself before the Living God and break agreement with this spirit of religion, religious fanaticism and hostility that has overtaken you.

God Bless, Ed.

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