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Re: Scar Tissue PSC/colitic or crohns

Epsom Salt Encapsulated
Hulda Clark Cleanse Kits

  Views: 38,819
Published: 22 y
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Re: Scar Tissue PSC/colitic or crohns

I am a 59 year old male with Chron's. I was diagnosed in 2001 after almost bleeding to death. The doctos find the "Late Onset" unusual for the disease. I have been having problems exactly like you since 1989 and the doctors said that I had IB Syndrome. My Chrons is in the terminal illium also and extends back for approximately 18". The doctors don't want to cut because it will come back worse or at least that is what I am told. I have found that almost nothing makes any difference in my bowel movements. I am on Remicade and take it about once every 6 weeks. It stops the cramping and pain associated with Chron's, I also use Questran, it slows down or stops the diarrhea. Ask your doctor if either of these would work for you. As an added benefit the Questran will lower your colestrol, mine is under 100 total... You can live with Chron's but you have to manage your movements and keep the disease in check as much as possible. I to lost a job due to Chron's, I was out of work for 5 weeks for the bleeding and I was so tired all the time that I actually went to sleep at my computer terminal. I tried to explain that it was medications and the doctors were trying to get them balanced... but the company didn't care. You are not alone, you have a lot of support out here. Do check with your doctor about Remicade and Questran, they do make a difference.


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