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liver flush cures asthma

The Home Doctor
Practical Medicine for Every Household

Wormwood Parasites Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Cleanse the Liver
with a natural herbal detox

Karma Views: 42,597
Published: 24 y
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liver flush cures asthma

Hi Everyone,

My husband just did a Dr. Clark liver cleans this past weekend.

This is his second one. He was having allergy problems again, so decided to do that cleanse. He said he successfully passed well over 1,000 stones. He said he feels better. One thing we do after the cleanse is take large doses of milk thistle. That seems to really help.

I don't remember if I posted about my daughter and her cleanse. She is ten, but has had allergies and asthma for quite some time. When she was a baby, she had trouble getting her bowels moving even though I nursed her. My husband's grandfather said that her bile was slow to kick in. I have wondered if these things were reasons that she had allergies and asthma.

About a month ago, maybe a little longer, she was having some really bad asthma problems. I was having to put her on the nebulizing machine each night for several treatments. I was beginning to think I was going to have to take her to the emergency room because we couldn't get her airways opened up. Each night was getting worse, so we decided to give her a liver cleanse. It was a pretty rough night for her even though we gave her the Ornithine capsules.

She kept the olive oil down for a few hours, then threw it up, which was discouraging to me. I thought we had wasted our time. But the next morning, she started passing HUGE stones. I had done three cleanses prior to this, so knew what she was going to go through. Her stones were much larger than anything I passed though.

She passed hundreds of small ones, but the most amazing thing was the
amount of large ones she passed. If you put your forefinger and thumb together to form a circle that is an idea of the size of stones she passed. I'm saying at they were over 1 1/2" in diameter. She passed about 15 of them this size and one that was even bigger. It was about the size of a golf ball!!! I was teasing her that her liver wasn't even as big at these HUGE things coming out of her.

The most important thing about it was that she hasn't had an asthma attack since!

That is incredible.

Another benefit that I have notice from both of them, plus myself is weight coming off.

My daughter lost about ten pounds, which put her right where she needed to be for her age and height.

My husband lost weight, but it is too soon to see if it will stay off. :-)



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