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Question: Anyone cure insomnia thru liver flushing
Scott Views: 42,903
Published: 23 y
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Question: Anyone cure insomnia thru liver flushing

Folks who follow this forum know that I have gained substantial benefits from massaging and flushing the liver ande gallbladder. MY ability to eat fats has improved so much. Allergies have also been helped as well as general energy levels.

The one thing that has been dogging me for over a year and a half is insomnia. Usually I will fall alseep only to awaken 3-4 hours later and be unable to return to sleep. I have read that a sluggish liver contributes to insomnia in many ways.

Before I started focusing on the liver, all fats made me feel sluggish/fatigued/tired. High fat dinners used to induce sleep. Now that I can handle fats better, fatty meals don't make me sleepy. But I think since my liver is not "clean" yet I still have insomnia.

Julia Chang of Sensible Health told me that she had horrible insomnia until her liver was clean and then she began to sleep very well.

Anyone here have trouble with insomnia that was resolved after the liver has been cleaned out? This insomnia is very frustrating and I have used a number of approaches to resolve this.



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