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I was able to stop taking insulin

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I was able to stop taking insulin

This email message written by Carolyn Powers came as a reply to one of CureZone newsletters.

You can take it as a direct reply to your question, too.

I copy/paste original message here:

Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 03:18:32 EDT
Subject: Re: [curezone] My 12th Cleanse

I had my first cleansing (30 day) in July and was amazed at the amount of
Gallstones and fatty liver deposits that surfaced during the liver and gall
bladder flush. Since I have end stage liver disease, I was pretty excited to
see this tangible "proof" of my cleansing. I also was able to stop taking
insulin (70 units a day and then not really under control), but learned the
real importance of exercise, avocados and golden seal. My doctor was amazed
when I returned and we viewed the results of my lab work.

I have a difficult time not dragging out my soapbox at the slightest
provocation. Even a "I hear your'e feeling a lot better. You look great", is
enough to get me going. My entire lifestyle has changed...lots of juicing,
raw foods, walking, joined a gym, and stay on a 20%/80% diet- 20% off and
80% on my raw food, whole food diet.

Carolyn Powers

You can also find a few stories here:

Interesting Testimonial from the Blood type list, Type O

Message: 3
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 09:32:42 -0800 (PST)
From: "E.J. Runyon" ejrunyon (@)
Subject: Re: Dr D and Medications

I was diagnosed as a Diabetic at the age of 11. Was injecting 15
units of U40 lente insulin daily.

At 11 I weighed 77 lbs, by the time I was 12 and a half I was at 129
lbs, nearly doubled.

At fifteen I finally toped out at 145 lbs, and took matters into my
own hands. I stopped eating what my mom put on front of me 'starch'
carbs( corn, potatoes, most wheat products) just picked out what I
could eat on my plate- the meat & veggies. I Stoked up on fresh Fruit
& veggies. And today I eat meat with all meals - fish for breakfast,
tuna or chicken for lunches, and beef with dinners. I also begain
biking 15+ miles daily, & added running in 1988,

When I like myself and stick to this I've no need for insulin
injections since. All my Glucose tolerance tests are well below danger
zone. and random stick tests for blood Sugar all read below danger
Finding ER4YT confirms what my body had been urging me to do all
along, But having the rest of the picture for problems other than
diabeic is what is the extra boon for me.

> From: Lucinda-June Chapman
> In his opinion regarding diabetes for A+ Dr. D states that they are to
> continue taking medications until they don't need them. Any competant
> doctor would agree.
> Cleaning off the insulin receptor cells is a long term project, and it
> is not like faith healing, "God has healed you go home and throw away
> your medicines"


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