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Just a little note of encouragement from none other than...

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LISA Views: 40,343
Published: 22 y
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Just a little note of encouragement from none other than...

Hello, Cookie.

It's been a couple of weeks since I visited this formum, and low and behold, I came across this message. The reason it's been a couple of weeks is that I am feeling GREAT for the first time in a long time. I did my first four flushes one week apart. I was having a lot of anxiety about the constant discomfort on my right side. Like yourself, it was almost always there. Or if I couldn't feel it, all I needed to do was stretch my body this way or that, or lay down in a certain position, and there it was again. It didn't seem to correspond with fatty foods, and I never had any real attacks.

The closest I ever came to an attack was the night of my 3rd flush. I was sitting on the couch before bed (after having taken my first 2 doses of Epsom Salts ) and I had an incredible cramping in my right side. It lasted for about 15 minutes or so, and it seemed better when I changed positions. Of course, I was thinking, "Oh great, something massive is going wrong with my body.

What have I done by starting these cleanses?

Am I doing them too close together?

Will I end up in the emergency room tonight?

Will I ever feel better?"

The next day, I passed my largest stones yet. One was about the size of a quarter, the rest were large marble sized. I felt much better the next day, although the swollen sensation was not completely gone. It was, however, much less noticeable, and continued to be that way.

(It took 3 cleanses to get to that point, but for others, perhaps it will take more.) After my 4th cleanse, I felt fantastic.

I finally waited two weeks between my 4th and 5th cleanse, because after the fourth, I felt so good, and was much more at ease.

I didn't do my first 4 so close together because I was in gut-wrenching pain or anything. I did it because I was concerned about my health, and I wanted to get to the end of all my stones so I could confirm or deny that stones were indeed the problem.

Like yourself, I was extremely suspicious that I didn't fit the description for someone who had gallstones. I was afraid that there was something seriously wrong. In my mind, the only way to be sure was to follow the cleansing to its conclusion and then decide at that point.

Honestly, I didn't believe that I would ever be free of that tightness and swelling. By the time I began my 4th flush, I was despairing. Of course, I'm not a doctor, and I can't tell you if you are in the same boat as me. But your story sounds exactly like mine. From one person who doesn't fit the classic sterotype of a gallbladder attack victim to another, be encouraged!

Perhaps relief is just a couple more flushes away! I started my fifth flush last night, and so far, I've only had a bunch of chaff, and a few of my tiniest stones yet.

Since my pain is gone, I'm thinking I may be at the end of my cleanses. Perhaps I'm almost completely clean. If so, I would be surprised, after hearing of these people who have gotten rid of thousands of stones. But each person is different!

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