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Re: I've had similar symptoms
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Published: 8 y
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Re: I've had similar symptoms

After a couple of very rocky and discouraging days (month), I THINK I may actually be winning! After huge night-time worm activities and non-stop day-time crawling activities, I've kept up the anti- parasite meds (throwing pretty much everything I have at them), managing pH & toxic dumps (coffee enema, MSM, charcoal, chlorella) for days.

After sleeping for a full 10 hrs (!) last night, i woke up feeling 'different', almost normal (but drained). Mucus is normal (hasn't been for MONTHS), coughing minimal & only tiny amt 'normal' sputum. No crawling anywhere; knee 'remarkably' improved, GERD much better. Feel hopeful (for the first time in a LONG time). Passing lots of green loose stool FULL of 'stuff'. Sucking down MSM & supplements.

Continuing with all the anti-parasitics I have (still have to figure out OXBen & FenBen administration). Still focusing on liver & flukes (with Prazi) but seem to be killing everything else along with it. I am passing small red & larger whites, beefy flukes; he seems to have some Ascaris as well.

Switched back to full ketogenic diet (high fat, mod/low protein, LOW CHO) almost a week ago. We are fat burners & don't even need to eat (as the body just burns internal fat for calories --YEA). Good thing because I've had major anorexia for months- no appetite and feel full after a couple of bites. Bad GERD to boot. So with the complete lack of appetite & fasting, I have lost (over the months) a whole pound! Keto ROCKS.

So, with continued meds & strict dietary change, MAYBE it's making a difference. Will know as the weeks (and lunar cycles) continues.

Matt, I REALLY believe that your ideas/thoughts about strict diet ARE right on!


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