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Re: Can you help us with Low Dosage?
mattk3 Views: 2,888
Published: 8 y
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Re: Can you help us with Low Dosage?

I was shocked to discover I had flat, white, and red worm infections.

I would not have known or suspected protozoan infection, but while killing strongyloides the entire body shed talc powder for days, making me suspect it is possible I had all 4 phylums of parasite infections.

To make antiparasitics work, the body must be working, enzyme system working, immune system working, body balanced, and a sequence of challenge tests done to identify flatworms, white worms, or redworms.

Supplements are not just essential, but critical in getting the body into a configuration where kills can occur.

Getting into the killing zone is a trick for some.

There is more to treating parasites than the meds.

Staying safe, getting a safety margin, and systems, organs, and infection issues other than parasitic infections is essential.

There is a lot to learn.

Pyrantel 50mg/ml liquid is best, 1 quart is the best source, some are like 946 ml.

I use syringe, and put 5cc in yogurt at 6 to 8 PM. Add teaspoon of Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa 12:1 powder, nutricargo.

There is a clearing sequence of meds, I have found ways to get the dose lower when in sequence and schedule.

I cannot suggest doing antiparasitics until you understand basics, have purchased emergency supplements, and start down the checklist of verify pH, minerals, metals, and verify status via challenge tests, and make sure organs like liver, kidneys, heart are supported.

I started with pyrantel, and documented the start of my journey in document revision 255.

I am fairly far along the yellow brick road, and I have seen much.

I have helped many see the path.

The trip is a mixture of naturals, minerals, metals, infections, systems, and then configuring the body to deal with lack of ROS sulfur, selenium, and removing nitrogen waste parasites cause.

Once all of these things are balanced, clearing parasites usually occur in a sequence.

The document can be found at:


Red worm Formula.

If you have white worms, you will have to challenge and eliminate flat worms first, then endure and tweak the clearing of white worm nests.

So much fun, so little time to enjoy it.



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