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Re: EOL, CZ is the best.
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Re: EOL, CZ is the best.

What horrid things these are! IVM (oral, topical, rectal) only stopped them for a short while. I had a couple of good days and felt better and actually started eating a bit, BUT it continues.

So, I am trying to understand what is happening - mostly reading here at CZ. DEFINITELY agree that this is the place to be and you guys are awesome. THANK YOU ALL.

So, after starting on Prz, ALB, PPZ, got huge migrans issue. Bladder area unbearable. Took 1 dose of LEV (test dose) which made everything worse. 1 dose Pyrantel & 2 days of IVM & ALB gave me some relief and sleep and able to eat a bit. Have kept pH WNL & still taking spplmnts.

Now, migrans more an issue (IVM in shampoo, silver eye drops, silver sinus irrigations have helped ALOT).
Migrans in legs & feet worse. Horrid squiggling in RLQ of abd. pH all over the place but testing & taking Miracle-Mineral-Supplement frequently. GERD bad/taking papain/cranberry juice. Bloating/taking more probiotics. Increasing issue with knee joint pain & swelling. I am convinced this is worm damage. ?? Also brain fog today (not had THIS for some time).

Still have biofilm issue but significantly better than before - taking GuaiAid, ProOneZyme, InterFase and lozenges which all seem to be working. Clearing lungs well. Sinuses more clear now thanks to silver/H2O2/IVM.

Bowels: less diarrhea, more normal brown stools but this am, lots of 1" skinny, reddish worms.

So, have ordered a bunch of stuff which is due this next week (DEC, nPPZ). Found OxBen, FenBen in local store. Still have LEV solution in fridge.

So, what have I learned about which worms I have? Not sure. Think I need to go back to Step 1. I read here that you suggest making sure no underlying fungal infection - this may be significant for me since my immune sys HAS been affected (vit D level from max to below min & HDL bottomed out from high levels) AND I had an issue with foot swelling exactly where I had on old fungal toe infection (sensitized?). So, how to get Flagyl or Tindazole w/o prescription?

Currently today taking drug rest (but mostly don't know where to start again anyhow). Discouraged. Knees in agony out of the blue. Crawling things. Bladder improved however (prob rectal IVM).


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