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Can you help us with Low Dosage?
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Can you help us with Low Dosage?

Hi Matt, I just HAD to talk with you after reading this post. I HOPE you are willing to help us. We are an elderly couple (72&76y), formerly VERY fit and healthy. Everything ground to a halt last winter when I became very ill (after a cruise to Mexico, Belize & Honduras). Wheezing & non-stop coughing. Saw several MDs who were NOT helpful and prescribed the worst things for me (antibx, systemic steroids, acid blockers) in hindsight. These meds only precipitated a horrid immune response and significant worsening of symptoms.

I am an RN and took to the literature and eventually found you here at CureZone. I am positive we have Ascaris however he does not have the respiratory symptoms but heavy sinus post-nasal drip issues instead (same thing?). He grew up barefoot on a pig farm and has NEVER been wormed!! Also flukes obviously.

I moved quickly and collected drugs and supplements and have dosed ourselves several times over the last 2 months with your protocols: ALB, IVM, PZQ & Pyrentel (all I could collect).

At this point, we are remarkably improved & giving everything a rest, however I have just finished coughing up the last round of white worms. I have Pyrantel X1 waiting and IVM x1. When? Anything better?

I have just ordered more PRZ and I have a packet of Levamisole HCl drench powder, PIP citrate and a L of Fenbendazole. How do I use these? I REALLY like the low dose option you are talking about; especially for us.

This last week, we are both bothered with itchy heads, ears & skin in various places. Research seems to indicate Candida but I am suspicious of threadworms. What are the Sx with these?

So, it seems like you are several steps ahead of us and we really need some help sorting this out. I have been using your old doc Ascaris123 but it looks like things have changed. ?? Thank you so much for everything you have done so far; it has worked wonderfully.

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