Re: Hole in sinus after tooth extraction! Need some good advice please.
Can someone give me some advise or some answers? I had an upper tooth (molar) removed back in October of last year. The oral surgeon said that the roots had made a small hole in my sinus when he removed the tooth...said he patched it with ? (can't remember)and it should be fine...I went back several times w/sinus infections on that side and he looked at it and did some kind of test where he pinches my nose and I try and blow it with my mouth open (weird), said he didn't hear any air. I've had nothing but problems ever since. I have constant sinus infections on that one side and when I lay down at night I can't breathe if I lay on that particular side....I'm constantly blowing my nose because there's always stuff up there. My dentist looked at my x-rays, and said that I might should see an ENT that there was "something going on up there", and that if I went back to the oral surgeon, he might make a bigger mess than I have already. Don't know what to do, or who to go see, but the past 4 days my forehead, bridge of my nose, between my eyes and behind my eyes have killed me. Pain relievers take the edge off of it (combined w/caffine), but then it comes back, and my forehead feels sooo sore and tender and feels almost swollen.
Anyone have any suggestions for me??