Re: Hole in sinus after tooth extraction! And sinus infection
i had an 3rd molar extracted and wasn't extracted properly and yes the Dr. did put a hole in my sinus last September and has been negligent to help me, i went back with a sinus infection right after it got infected, they denied it. i have proof in the cat scans i got from my ent. He also left me a root to rot, so the infection had plenty of food from my mouth. the a**ho** says he wont help me until the ENT prob does whatever or a sinus surgery, they are all a**ho**s. i hope they die. Crooks the Dentists, the oral surgeons and the ENTs of Morris county NJ should rot in hell as far as im concerned. So I got a extraction with bad closure and an infection since last October and 2 ent visits and a second visit to the oral surgeon, he takes out the the part he left behind now that his blunder was partially healed. I saw him recently after i saw my lawyer. I will see what the ent says, I dont think a sinus surgery can help me much, if it went it away after a surgery i will clap hands and eat my words, but i have big doubts. at least the pain went down some at the end of the year, the feeling and loss will never be the same though. i still feel like something is missing in my mouth and also it throbs a little, i just want to get better its not about the money, but these f***ers should pay for what they have done to me. damned rich people!