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Re: Hole in sinus after tooth extraction! Need some good advice please.
Rick67 Views: 240,004
Published: 19 y
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Re: Hole in sinus after tooth extraction! Need some good advice please.

Just got back from the Oral Surgeon.

He didn't seem too concerned (I wonder why? LOL!). He said this problem isn't uncommon do to the close proximity of the sinus and the upper molars. He said most of these cases heal on there own without any complications. If the hole doesn't close up then he said he'll have to do a minor surgery to close it with gum tissue. He said the next three weeks are critical to the healing process and I need to make sure I don't blow out the socket by sneezing, using a straw, rinsing my mouth with a lot of pressure, etc. He said the Antibiotics are to insure I don't get a sinus infection because an infection right now will prevent the hole from healing.

I can't pull any air through the socket anymore so I think the blood clot has everything sealed up. I just need to be real careful. I'm going to continue to rinse with H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) and CS.

Can anyone think of anything else I can do to help the healing?

Thanks for the help guys!


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