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been there done that
finallyfaith Views: 243,363
Published: 19 y
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been there done that

yep! thats exactly what happened to me! it was VERY painful. they give you the pennicillin because an infection in the sinus can be very serious. the sinus is NOT supposed to be open into the mouth.

as i said before i used Colloidal Silver and it saved my life on this one. i put the silver in my mouth and actually allowed it to leak thru up into my sinus cavity and then drain back down into my mouth. everytime i did this the pain subsided. i also packed some gauze soaked in tea tree oil in there. but it was the silver that did the job.

if you don't have any silver, i would get some today, don't wait till complications develop. do you hvae a silver maker? are you unsure or wary of the CS protocol? why not ask on the Colloidal Silver forum about this? this is a pretty serious deal, if things go fine, cool. but this has the potential for serious complications. i don't mean to scare you, just trying to get you to take the necessary precautions.

the CS is not just an anti-biotic. it also dramatically accelerates tissue regeneration. its exactly what you need.

i'll tell you what, email me privately and i will send you some free of charge, no strings attached. just email me a po box or something and i will mail it out thursday (i will be too busy to do it tommorow). i am entirely serious. i have the whole set up to make it, it won't cost me but a few cents to crank out a bottle for you. let me know.


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