Hello, honey, I am so unbelievably upset to read your story and my daughter was also raped a little younger than you and she could not tell me either. She found a way by telling a friend whose father and his friend who were ministers in our religion came to the house to tell me for her and then they took us both to the police station so we pressed charges and as the man was such a violent man and would do worse as he would see as we were getting him into trouble as they knew of him and they helped us move to a new town away from this man and his family who were all on his side.
Your mother does need to know honey as as upsetting as it will be she needs to get this man out of both your lives as quickly as possible. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know as I will be happy to help in any way that I can.
My prayers are with you sweetie and hope you can find the courage to tell someone who can be with you and they maybe can tell your mother for you and if you are in a religion the ministers there may assist and tell her for you and the police seemed to listen to them and made things a lot easier for us I am sure.
Sending you all my love XXXOOOOOOOOOO