Re: Please help me! I need advice. I'm a 14 year old boy being raped by my Mom's boyfriend and I can't let her find out but I don't know what to do.
Hello Sweetie, my name's Jess, I am 14 also, and i am a girl, i cannot image what kind of hell you are going through with this monster rapist you are having to live with.
My mum is a nurse, so i do know a bit about bodily health.
I just wanna say first, it is important to know that NONE of this is your fault at all !!! Xxx you are the victim here, and i am soooo sorry for you that you have had to have this happen to you in your life. But to answer your questions,:
1. Yes, You can get infections and diseases from sex. They are called STI's (Sexually Transmitted Infection) or STD's (Sexually Transmitted Disease) they can be quiet nasty and can cause serious damage... BUT!, I am pretty sure you don't have one, Because...
2. It is normally for a man to blead from you back passage after he had experienced rough anal sex or rape. You'd be surprised how common it is actually, you know, even a girl blead from her privates the first time she is penetrated (experiences sex) you are also in pain because you are definatly not used to anal penetration, and i take it no form of condom or lubrication was used, (what gay men used to have sex) witch would make it even more painful :'( . So Sorry For You xxx
3. Bye the way, Have you ever heard of the drug, Codeine Or Co - Codimals ??? They would help a lot with the pain, trust me, i have a lot of long term medical problem (i've had all my life) and i am in pain quite a bit, and they really help, they are almost as strong as morphine! Just tell your mum u have a headache or something, and ask her to get u it, but eat a cracker first, they can be harsh on the stomach, and u could put a cream called Germoliene (Ger - Mo - Lean) not sure of spelling, on, it would help with the soar ness, it has annastetic in it.
4. I live in england, not sure about you, but, we have a new law over here that my social worker told me about and it means 14 year olds can go to the doctor by themselfs without there parents finding out, so, for instance, girls or boys can get the pill or condoms without there parents knowing, maybe you have something like that where you live, you prob can go docs by yourself, google it for your area. Xxx
5. This is not your fault, you do not have to live or put up with this there is a helpline that you can call called childline, there number is 0800 11111, there conversations are completely confidential, they wont tell anyone about what u have said, unless you tell them to, you can also ask them to just pick you up and they will just say, "I'm 14, I've been raped, I'm physically hert, i need help, please come and get me!" and they will xxx.
I really hope i have helped you, and if you have any other Questions DO NOT hesitate to ask me, I'll make my email vis sable to you. Hope I here back from you soon when things have improved for you xxxx i'm sending my love sweetie, xxx ask for help, and stay strong xxxxx
Love Jess xxx