Re: Religious Arrogance...
Certainly not. I hafta admire your patience and tenacity. Having said that, I always had a hunch it was only a matter of time: 'when' rather than 'if'.
Why? The trap is a one-man religion who has jettisoned every article of the faith in favour of his own unique brand of Trapperanity - to the extent that it is no longer recognisable as the faith once delivered to the saints. You might as well be debating a Buddhist, a Taoist, a Hindu ........ or even an atheist. In short, he's a cultist. I believe I made that observation quite some time ago.
There comes a point when that realisation means there is no more to be gained (by either party) from exchanging with him. In fact, I'd seriously advance the proposition that you would find debating a Muslim or a Jew* far more profitable, without even necessarily seeking to convert them.
Or, to put it another way, 'what accord has Christ with Belial'? There is, quite simply, no real common ground between you. Ergo, you have both run out of ground over which you can usefully debate.
Time to move on to richer pickings chuck.
* That should annoy him no end.