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Religious Arrogance...
Living in the Spirit Views: 1,334
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Religious Arrogance...

Rainy i believe it's you who will be deeply surprised when you meet the true God as correctly represented in some parts of the bible, at how over-confident and arrogant you have been in your over-zealous faith in various institutionalized religious system doctrines that turned out to be false teachings propagated by a false system in which you have so naively and so wholeheartedly placed your trust. I know you feel safety in numbers though, mainstream religious system numbers, or in other words, the wide road as opposed to the narrow path... and i know you feel safety as well that you have institutionalized religious backing for your fanatical religious beliefs.

You undoubtedly feel comfort in doing as your Catholic forefathers have done for centuries by essentially labeling people who don't agree with you as heretics and apostates and proudly and arrogantly declaring them to be anathema. Of course you have your own way of wording this, but with the identical meanings. Today you and some of your other fundamentalists and inerrant bible zealots (i don't mean in this forum) have joined in the witch hunt of your Catholic predecessors. As was undoubtedly true of those religiously abusive individuals who came before you, it must give you such a warm feeling to be so superior and so certain in your judgement of others just as were your predecessors, right?

Meanwhile a partially true but highly flawed collection of books and letters that falsely ascribe evil atrocities, ridiculous absurdities, and obvious double standards to the True Heavenly Father and which you blindly, zealously and fanatically believe to be a 100% perfect representation of His heart... this book itself has become your god - at least in large part - and the false foundation upon which you base all of your religious arrogance.

The counterfeit religious system is another idol of yours, another false god that you submit under and bow to, the system which ultimately rules and reigns over your heart - and which falsely and idolatrously, just as you do, places this bible - including the words of Paul and the words of fraudulent authors pretending to be Paul - upon a pedestal as if this book were co-equal with God.

This 2nd idol and 2nd god of yours is a counterfeit system which falsely propagates this book of partial truth and partial lies, this book of absurdities, double standards and evil atrocities... as supposedly being God's inerrant and infallible "word", the supposedly perfect gold standard to which every leading of the Holy Spirit must align.

You are puffed up with head knowledge of what you believe you know to be true just like your Catholic forefathers and just like your pharisee forefathers before them. Those like you with hardened hearts and scales over your eyes refuse to learn from the mistakes of your predecessors.

In all of your religious arrogance and pompous fundamentalist bible zealotry, just be careful that you're not the one who gets left out, ok? I genuinely do forgive you Rainy, i wish you the very best, and i so deeply hope to see you in Heaven. I am sincerely hopeful that somehow, some way the Heavenly Father allows hard hearted and pompous institutionalized religious fanatics such as yourself in.

God bless you.

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