To follow are a couple of the religiously intolerant statements made by Rainy.
Rainy: "I needed a dose of good medicine after all the very serious errors of false beliefs being exposed on this forum as of late. These errors are so serious that they separate true Christians from those Christians in name only and on their way to hell. "
Ed: Based upon dialogue over the past few days, it is clear that Rainy is referring specifically here to the "God is a trinity" doctrine and "Jesus is God". If you don't agree with Rainy and the Catholic church in these areas, if you have any doubts about the trinity doctrine based upon your own interpretation of the bible and if you believe that Jesus is the perfect sinless, virgin born Savior and Lord who was risen, who was given all authority as a man and who sits at the right hand of His Heavenly Father as a man, then according to Rainy you are not a true Christian and you are on your way to hell.
The following link provides another quote by Rainy followed by my response to her: