Re: Religious Arrogance...
Rainy: At one time Ed was really seeking God, or at least I thought he was. I think he thought he was too. I'm trying to figure out what happened to him. What went wrong? Was it always all fake, or did the enemy of his soul come in to get him off?
Ed: To me this is just more pompous arrogance on your part Rainy. Sadly you apparently are unable to see it. "Ed doesn't agree with me and the institutionalized religious system doctrinally in some ways, therefore he is not really seeking God, therefore something has gone terribly wrong, therefore maybe he was never truly seeking God, therefore did the enemy come and get him?".
Whether you are able to see this or not Rainy, it comes down to "Ed doesn't agree with me and with institutionalized religion, therefore He must have fallen off the path". "Ed doesn't believe in a 100% God breathed bible, and he discerns even the bible for which parts are true and which are not... so how can he possibly discern the spirits correctly?" "Ed interprets the bible as primarily not lifting up Jesus as God, therefore he is apostate because the powers that be within institutionalized religion say so and that must make it true".
I know you imagine that you act in love Rainy, but i don't see your behavior as loving. More like just pompous and arrogant. You need to learn to be able to disagree without being so self righteous and judgemental.