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Re: I Need Help Bad........
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Re: I Need Help Bad........

Truth-hurts: A good example is the the people with TMAU (diagnosed or otherwise). No amount of cleansing or lying in mud is going to remedy that.

That’s not true. Champex can help with TMAU and Niacin can also help as it reduces choline levels in the body.

Beautiful26: I completely understand how you feel, as do so many other people on this forum, as doctors are just not helpful when it comes to this sort of thing. Most of them will always tell you that you are imagining things even when they are choking on the smell as they just do not know where to start with diagnosing the problem and finding solution for it.
The only thing I can suggest is that you collect as much information about TMAU as you can (including how to test for it), take it to your doctor and force him to at least test you for it. I also think you should read through as many of the posts on this forum as you can (the ones in which someone seems to have found a solution) and see if their symptoms fit yours and maybe look into whatever they have done to solve it.
Also post a bit more detail about the BB or BO, like when it started, what it smells like, what sort of foods make it worse and also what your diet it like. Give as much detail as possible as it may help people reading pin point the source of the problem.
I know it is easier said then done but try not to let people get you down and just focus your energy on finding a solution cos I believe that there is a solution for everyone no matter how bad things look.


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