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Re: 7 months of frustration...any advice?
magic_glitter Views: 2,988
Published: 17 y
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Re: 7 months of frustration...any advice?

Have you cut grains out of your diet? Try that for a month - eat fruits, avocados, veggies and raw oils (if you eat nuts, eat only 15 a day, they're hard to digest). Grains trigger Acne in some. Eat fruit - it's nourishing and cleansing (avoid bananas though, when you're cleaner you can eat one 2-3 times a week, but not right now!) Eat raw as much as possible, at least 75%.

If eliminating grains helps after the month, try re-introducing in small amounts buckwheat, spelt, wild rice, quinoa, and amaranth. You don't need a lot of grains, they feed candida.

I'd recommend ordering Humaworm if you haven't parasite cleansed yet. Cleanse every 3 months until you don't pass anything or have detox symptoms, then two or three times a year. All those Antibiotics really hurt your natural probiotics in your gut.

Juice everyday - juice carrots, Celery (enough to make 1 cup of each juice) and juice 1/4 of a pineapple. You can also juice oranges and lemons - 2 oranges and a lemon added to the pineapple/celery/carrot juice is pretty good! You could even juice fast for a few days if you wanted.

Eat Watermelon (eat at least 2 hours between meals, and eat it alone). It's good for the skin.

Take spirulina - 4000mg/day (take the tablet form, the powdered stuff is gross. I take all my supplements with my juice in the morning). Or, take a greens supplement like Greens+. Add the Greens+ to a fruit smoothie in the afternoon as a snack.

Make sure you only use a natural toothpaste, soap, ect. Chemicals get into your skin, and your liver must process them (which is taxing for it).

Use Green Clay masks mixed with tea tree oil (you can buy powdered Green Clay at healthfood stores and add in 5-7 drops of tea tree oil). This will draw stuff out f your pores so it may make you worse for a little while, but rest assured it's just speeding up the process of your skin's detox. Better to get it over with, in my opinion :)

Make sure to go to sleep at a decent hour so your body can rest. 10:00pm is ideal if you can :)

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