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CureZone Newsletter Issue 214: Curing Acne Naturally
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CureZone Newsletter Issue 214: Curing Acne Naturally

Curing Acne Naturally

CureZone Newsletter Issue 214


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Still clear by Somer
My skin is still all clear after my four years of dedicated colon cleansing, followed up with very productive liver flushes four years ago. The skin responded mainly to the liver flushing--around the 5th flush at two week intervals I got 30-40 beautiful jade green cholesterol stones, after which my skin cleared up and has remained clear, like a miracle. My eyes also improved, permanently, by a full point.

Liver Flushing Cured my Acne 100% by alamode
I’m in my mid-20s now and I suffered from acne for over a decade of my life with really inflamed painful breakouts. I tried everything---antibiotics, ProActiv, Murad, PSA, etc. and nothing ever worked. I finally cured it 100% about 1.5 years ago by going through curezone’s internal cleansing/detox protocol.

Managed my PCOS and excess hair on raw food lifestyle by nastarz
I have lost weight and managed my pcos on the raw food lifestyle. It has managed my excess hair, meaning I dont get them in spots men get them. I have a more womanly physique, my acne has cleared up. People tell me i look so young,glowing and healthy.

My battle is over: Asthma, Eczema, Mild (scalp) psoriasis, regular Yeast Infections, Cystic Acne by manika
I had asthma, eczema, mild psoriasis (scalp),regular yeast infections, and severe cystic acne for 10 years. I finally got fed up of breaking out and decided to detox.

In just three months i have went from having severe cysts on my cheeks to nothing! by DubbleTrubble
I have suffered from acne for about three years now. I went from a girl without makeup, clear skin ,nice tan, to acne blotchy skin, and i had to wear makeup. What i did was research these cleanses. I started taking Omega 3’s ,changed my diet, supplemented with greens, drinking extra water, but when i started my parasite cleanse is when my skin got really clear.

How I cured my Acne by mari25
I managed to cure my acne after suffering with moderate acne for 4 years. I tried everything from Proactive, retin-a, tetracycline (which worked for a short time, but just messed up my liver in the long run because my acne came back worse than ever after I stopped), to spending hundreds on microdermabrasion and colon therapy; all these only worked temporarily. Finally I started taking advice from what I learned (mostly on curezone) and have cleared my skin.

There is a imbalance in your liver by axer89

Cured acne with plant-based diet, raw garlic, & oregano oil by mariatortilla

Acne finally cured - thanks to liver flushing and Humaworm by londonUKgirl

cured of demodex mites for real!! by #144063

Vitamin D cures acne by anna12345

I had cysts from the time I was a child by dane lady

Cured candida, seborrheic dermatitis, rosacea, acne, bad breath, back pain by username12

Chanca Piedra and the effects on liver flushing by Detoxing Online

best kept secret - years of adult acne by heartshealingarts

BREAKTHROUGH! must read by guest124

I flush to clear up acne that I've had all my life by Detoxing Online

progress of my *possible* mite problem and recovery by skinfreedom

Human probiotic transfer? Cheshire by nonmoi

I CURED MY IBS/Candida THIS IS WHAT I DID.... by #25836

Cured after 15+ years! No more oily skin either!! by #55455

I had ACNE for 20 yrs and now its gone by amberlynn72

Acne has everything to do with your diet by #82343

your scars CAN heal! by ozone bubble

The Cure, finally. After eliminating grains 100%, I'm 100% clear. by arkantos

My Acne Story (I hope it wont bore you) by girlUK

I had 20 cysts on my face last September and right now I am clear! by MidlothianGirl

ACNE CURE! by notmoreblues

I cured my acne!! Diet, liver flushing & colonics are the way to go! by shiny

Results from liver flush - I got rid of my Acne Rosecea after the second flush by JoeMamma

What seems to have worked wonders for my acne is: by bensimo

Acne & Liver Flush by akashiccc

Video: How I Cured my Severe Hormonal Acne - Naturally by Eric B

Video: How I Naturally Cured My Cystic Acne by Eric B

3 days on anti candida diet and my head and face cleared up by jeff79

No more acne breakouts since coffee enemas by Need2Bfixed

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