Hi Brea
I used a different cleanse off the net that didn't give me any discomfort at all, and definitely got out loads of stones.
Cleanse suggests drinking lots of fresh squeezed or organic apple juice for 5 days before cleanse - I didn't do this but still go out lots of stones.
Eat normally until lunchtime. 2 hours later 1 tbsp Epsom Salts in little water. 4 hours later coffee enema with 1/4 cup Epsom Salts , 6 hours later 1 tbsp Epsom Salts in little water. 7 hours later as much fresh fruit salad as you like with cream (or if dairy intolerant whip 10 macadamia nuts + 4 dates + juice 1 orange - contains almost as much fat). Bedtime - 1/2 cup olive oil follow by half grapefruit to cut oil. Go to bed lie down on right hand side for half an hour. Go to sleep.