Hi TC,
I, too, am an RN. I just completed my 6th flush this past weekend, although not as successful as previous ones. I have been using the Alkalife Drops, which are supposed to alkalize the body, also Chanca Piedra for about a month prior until it made me feel too hypoglycemic.
Sang Whang with Alkalife thinks maybe the drops helped to break up the stones. I will try again in about a month to see for sure.
I love Curezone. I have learned so much from this website. I have been following it for almost 10 months. One of the first things I had done was replace my silver
Amalgams with composite. Now, some even say that is controversial. I have purchased quite a few products as I learned about them from other users. It is so refreshing to see folks taking responsiblity for their health and being successful at it.
Hope to correspond with you.