so when i first started flushing and i did not get even 1 stone for 5 flushes, and then on my 6th flush after properly softening my stones with apple juice i flushed out hundreds of tiny stones that are light green in color, then my next flush was the same.. then the next flush i had stones twice as big. and on the inside they were darker green, and then on this last flush i had only about 20 stones,, all about 1 inch in size, and a few of them being so dark green they seemed black. i dont see how your explanation for how the Liver Flush supports any of these experiences. if what you are saying is true,, then each flush is the same, for ever and ever... are you saying these things because you feel hopeless? over 100 flushes and have not cured you of your health problems, you must have had some faith if you have done so many, something must have kept you going