Re: Resolving the Stone Mystery
Remember, someone claimed to have passed 31,000 stones once. That figure is just ridiculous.
It is completely turning logic upside down to believe the stone theory. I've done over a hundred flushes and am still passing the same blobs as always. I've did these flushes very close together and still gotten results nearly every time. Why? because the liver produces a
quart of bile a day. Non-stop supply for the green blobs.
The bile clumps are exposed to every thing in the intestines, including the oil and juice and other various substances, which can easily cause colour inconsistencies.
I would be a firm believer if I had flushed clean when
Andreas Moritz and co said I was supposed but no, I didn't. A quick look round the forum and you will see there are numerous other people well into double figures. They will still be doing it in ten years time.