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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema Cure - Pompholyx Cure: What worked!
sharin Views: 34,884
Published: 8 y
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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema Cure - Pompholyx Cure: What worked!

But what do u eat? All skin fungus loves sugar, fruits and carbs. Watch ur Sugar intake.
Look for patterns. When u have a bad outbreak, look at what I've eaten the last few days. Even up to a week.
Look for patterns like that.
Go on a simple diet of plain rice, no
More than 1/2 cup 3x a day. if u eat meat, have a 3 oz portion of any plain cooked meat u like. Chicken breast or thigh. No fried coating. Or a small 3 oz patty of hamburger. No bun. Just the meat. Then a low carb vegetable like broccoli, or Brussels sprouts. If u could eat plain foods like this for at least 5 days, I bet u will notice ur skin changing in a good direction. So it as long as u can. Then start introducing new foods 2 a day back into ur diet.
Look for changes.
what we eat is a big part of what's going on with our skin.
I have scalp condition. When I eat sweets, or to many carbs like rice or potatoes my scalp will start to tingle and burn. When I consume to much dairy I get this weird oily skin type flakes , on each side of my mouth and in my eye brows. It too affects my scalp. I proven this to myself, or I should say- my body has proven this over and over again.
Hope ur finding some relief
Take care


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