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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema - Pompholyx Cure: What worked!
Daniegirl Views: 231,197
Published: 11 y
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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema - Pompholyx Cure: What worked!

I've had this for about 2 years now, it's caused me to get staff two times, sent me to the ER 3 times.. And about 200$ worth of different medical creams and doctors... I get it really bad, it effects all but a finger on each hand. I had to wrap my fingers at one point in time because mine puss yellow and bleed when they get really bad. It looks like all my cells blister up on my finger tips. About 30 small dots on each finger some down my fingers too. The only thing that clears it quick is oral steroids and then it comes back hard!! I am super excited to try your method! I dont worry about my soaps and such because I always wear gloves to wash and I have an ointment that is basically my "oil" after. I've been prescribed with vitamin d drops, and the sunlight helps, I too feel it's a yeast type thing. I unfortunately got a sexual disease from a bathroom stall because of the open wounds I had! It's honestly been the worst thing to ever happen to me.
I used to have really soft and small hands, never had issues with anything... Then one day at my new apartment the stress of moving and starting a new life started it... Being 20 and dealing with this is really hard, I was almost started on meds for Psoriasis which would've been like cancer treatment drugs.. I'm so happy I found my new derm because she at least tries all the natural non harmful drugs, and until we fix it up and keep it steadily gone, she's agreed to help me out best she can. Which means if I need instant relief she gives me oral steroids and we treat hard from there on. I cannot tell you how excited I am to try this acv out and lower the caffeine!! Even all my tylonal has tons of it!


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