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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema Cure - Pompholyx Cure: What worked!
stoneye Views: 129,524
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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema Cure - Pompholyx Cure: What worked!

I had dyshidrotic eczema over the fingers in both hands and over the sole and round the toes of my right foot. It was simply agony at times trying not to scratch and it even got under the nail on my pinky finger.

Steroid cream worked at first to control it but then it seemed to lose effectiveness and i resigned myself to permanent torture from the dreaded itching. That was until i stumbled across the answer, purely by accident.

In a never ending quest to cure my chronic pain conditions i found the answer in a booked called The Mindbody Prescription by doctor John E Sarno. In this book i came to understand the cause of my chronic pain and became rid of it once and for all but in the process i realised a number of other conditions i had were completely related to the chronic pain and were in fact equivalent conditions with exactly the same underlying cause - a deeper conflict of the mind that is actually a completely normal part of being human and everyone experiences the symptoms in one way or another. Be it a headache or migraine, back pain, rsi, tennis elbow, carpel tunnel syndrome, stomach issues, ulcer, ibs cholitis, allergies, eczema, asthma, depression, anxiety or even ocd, these are all symptoms of the same conflict and it can be as easy as understanding this to be free of these conditions.

Once i was free of the chronic pain my stomach problems all stopped and my eczema healed completely (as well as a number of other related minor issues)! It was a revelation!

I understand why some people would find it hard to accept the concepts explained in the book but since my own remarkable recovery i am convinced this is the answer for everyone. If you suffer from this eczema please give this book a read, it's not exactly an expensive investment! It really did change my life and i hope it can change yours too.


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