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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema - Pompholyx: What worked!
scathyb Views: 205,470
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Re: Dyshidrotic Eczema - Pompholyx: What worked!

I should mention.. I'm only in my third day.. It's definitely a cure for this horrid horrid form of eczema. Edit: I'm now in my fourth day of treatment. I know longer get new blisters, no longer itch insanely! The skin on my hands is healing and the Pompholyx is nearly completely cured. I'm not sure why my doctor is happy to accept that this type of eczema is not curable and that they don't know the cause. The blisters spread along nerves. I'm no doctor but it's easy for me to see that whatever is in the blisters needs me to itch, burst them so that they can spread. Despite this condition being described as a type of eczema.. I now am convinced that there is either a fungal or viral element. Anyway, calamine lotion xx Edit: fifth day.. My hands and skin are back to normal. I shall continue with the calamine cream until the tube is finished then change to a natural moisturiser.. Probably olive oil for me after that, my skin likes it. I can't believe it! Last week I was in tears with the pain and embarrassed to have my hands out in public. I really really hope this blog helps others suffering. Most of the blogs I've read are only about people's symptoms and they don't bother to update any cures ;) I emailed eczema org and they replied. They wrote that they cannot recommend the use of aqueous creams to eczema sufferers as they contain sodium laurel sulphates.. That have skin thinning properties. The cream I'm using does not have sls's and furthermore, they seen to generalise eczema.. As if it's all the same. Oh dear! Best of luck xxx


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