Re: A positive note....
your post came at a perfect moment for me and my daughter Tatiana. Just today her naturopath suggessted prednisone again to calm down her immune system, which is at 20,000 IgE in oder to give her a break and avoid her becoming allergic to the chelating agent (DMSA)for the elevated mercury and lead that he feels may be causing all of her allergies. I am so confused and hopeless, my 3 year old eats a wild game
Rotation Diet and few veggies which she seems to be reacting too as well. She only weighs 26
pounds and wears size 18 month clothes, she has grown less than 2
inches in a year. We have tried everything, I hate to see her suffer so much and miss out on so many wonderful things in life b/c of her allergies/eczema...I know in my heart that the prednisone is not the way to go and that I should not give up, but I am running out of ideas...but we will not give up thanks to all of the wonderful people and advice at CureZone..jennifer