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Re: My first liver flush-plus need some advice
Tracey Views: 2,509
Published: 22 y
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Re: My first liver flush-plus need some advice

Kizer....what a first flush! Are you recovering allright? It sounds like the Epsom Salts just wiped you right out. A few of my friends have talked about the 'burning' you're talking about. Don't know why it happens to some and not others. (hemmorhoids?) There are plenty alternative Liver Flushes that don't use Epsom Salts . You can actually do the 1/2 cup olive oil and 3/4 cup freshly squeezed pink grapefruit everything as usual, except replace the Epsom Salt drinks with apple juice. If you drink lots of organic apple juice for a couple of days before that should help too.

As for the Bentonite and are a couple of great links by Ptree!


I wouldn't take the Bentonite and psyllium the day of the liver flush. It won't help to get the stones out, really. In the long run, yes, but within a day, no.

My favourite juice to juice is carrot, apple, beet, ginger...mmm mmmm!

Well, Kizer, it sounds like you are well on your way to becoming happily healthy! I'm so glad to hear of the many little things that feel better and are clearing up....amazing! And after only ONE flush! Way to go!! And the next time will be burning.

Congratulations on your 74 stones!

*I'm not sure about children and cleanses. You are probably doing the right thing by just making sure they are eating well and healthily.



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