Flush Timing
Given the great success of my
Liver Flush last night - and I have had an additional 4 bm's since my last post which produced an additional 200+ stones, for a total of over 1,000 stones, what would the recommended timing be for subsequent flushes?
This is my 6th flush, with the 5th flush being a total bust (the 2nd flush was a bust as well so I have really only had 4 successful flushes). There has been 3 months between this successful flush and my 4th flush. Given the large amount of stones I just passed, I am thinking that 3 months is too long to go.
I really think the success with this flush is due to the prep I have done over the last two weeks: taking coptis/curcuma before bedtime, taking GCG first thing in the morning, and chinese bitters before lunch. I have also juiced 3 carrots each afternoon. Plus I have done 5
Bowel Cleanses and took 2
Oxypowder capsules every day for the past 3 weeks. I know that helped as well.
I am at a loss as to why I have had 14 liquid bm's today while only drinking 20
oz. of
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) (maybe all that Oxy had me really cleaned out??). I am just glad I am flowing like the Nile because each subsequent bm produces more and more stones.
My intestines have been gurgling and swishing for the past two hours. I am quite sure I will continue to have additional bm's and pass additional stones throughout the rest of today. Oh my aching, but happy bottom!