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Re: Squiggling on head and subsequent problems
ErinSpring Views: 4,725
Published: 8 y
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Re: Squiggling on head and subsequent problems

Have you tried putting Permethrin Cream 5% directly on your skin whenever you feel anything move?

I've been dealing with the nightmare of burrowing black slivers/specs, 1-2" clear moving/vibrating "hairs", white & black specs falling off my head, and looking like a plague victim for the past 2.5 months. If I put permethrin cream directly on a black speck, it doesn't burrow. If I put the permethrin cream on my scalp or skin when I feel something move or it itches, it stops pretty quickly. I've also gotten the skin lesions to start to heal by pulling up the scab, soaking up the blood and pulling any black specks or wormlike things out of the crater, & filling it with Permethrin cream. I put the cream directly on the lesions several times a day for the past week + a very light layer over the area.

My blood, urine, & stool tests all came back normal with the exception of slightly below the average range for 'mean platelet volume'. My eosinophils count came back as 2. The Infectious Disease Dr said that it should be at least 5 if my skin itches. Still waiting on the biopsy they did on my neck... All that said, I'm in my early 30's, work from home, and haven't gone anywhere more exciting than the grocery store this year. I was living in SubSaharan Africa a year and a half ago but haven't left the country since being back. I've lived on 4 continents in the past 10yrs & never took any anti- parasite meds. I also had clear skin at the start of summer, and now I look like a plague victim (chest, breasts, arms, shoulders, upper back, neck, front side of thighs, & calves). I've taken hundreds of photos documenting the demise of skin, evolution of the lesions, & photos of worms in my eye at the end of June.

The worm-like critters that I pulled out of skin lesions were sent to a lab that ruled that they weren't parasitic material because they didn't see a head on them or something. Tho before I sent them to the lab, I took zoomed in photos of them against a light box & sent the photos to a lab in Africa that said they looked like cutaneous filariasis.

I have absolutely no idea what is causing this, and I haven't been able to find photos online matching mine. I don't know if you have similar symptoms, but I saw your post and wanted to suggest the Permethrin cream to help with the itch/movement


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