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Re: You Criticize those who Disagree with you
EasyDozIt Views: 5,155
Published: 11 y
This is a reply to # 2,222,107

Re: You Criticize those who Disagree with you

Here is one email I sent that he is quoteing to you Stalactite, and took way out of context!

"You tried to manipulate the debate constantly ignoring facts and stating information not backed by facts. Then sent me your information in private because you knew that it would hold no value in public debate worth. Those "facts" that you sent me also had no corelation with those celebrities that you have been defaming. So for these obvious reasons I had no choice but to post that email.

The reason why you are upset about me posting that "private email" is because it makes you look foolish. Nothing more.

You clearly have some sort of personal agenda against the paleo diet, even though the results of modern scientific studies are clearly supporting it.

The credibility of your character is in question!"

More of the same from Natway though!



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