Re: Great article about vaccines!
quote "It is important to note that the only studies that have claimed to discount
the link of the MMR vaccine to autism have been funded by vaccine
manufacturers (the most recent being Merck, which makes MMR, and reported
in January 2001 in The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal). This is a
case of history repeating itself - how many times have tobacco companies
published research "demonstrating" that cigarettes do not cause cancer or
heart disease, etc? endquote
The Danish government kept track of over 400,000 children after
vaccination and found no linkage to autism. Know why that might be?? All of Wakefield's coauthors have retracted the conclusion about autism and Wakefield has refused to allow access to his tissue samples for use by other researchers. Know why that is? Wakefield also choose children for his study based on lawyers reccomendations since they were suing a vaccine manufacturer...isn't this bias??