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It worked!
Amelie83 Views: 1,165
Published: 7 y
This is a reply to # 2,417,426

It worked!

I did it and it worked! The best topical results thus far!! I put 4 mls 20mg of Ivm in a one liter spray bottle and sprayed through my hair and scalp thoroughly. It provided almost instant relief from the crawling. I combed it through with a fine tooth comb and you wouldn't believe the amount of whatever they are came out!
I was nervous at first so I started slowly. When I noticed no negative effects I began to use it more liberally. I sprayed up my nostrils and inside my ears and eventually I sprayed my whole body. I have not had relief like this from anything else I've tried. I should also add that I made sure I didn't take any ivermecton /po in 24 hours as I know this can enter you're bloodstream transdermally. So, if you do try it keep that in mind.
Just thought I'd share this with fellow sufferers.


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