Re: Chronic fatigue and liver flushing
I just read the list and I have a scary similar list on my Facebook with almost every one of the same issues he has mentioned. My Facebook is Ryan Carty if anyone would like to read it for themselves. I'm suffering from systemic whipples disease caused by an actinobacteria and I firmly, wholeheartedly believe that it's this bacteria which comes in many different strains that's responsible for causing the same issues in other people. It's easily spread from person to person and commoniy found among intrafamilial circulation. I bet the house you moved into the previous owners or tenants could have had this disease or infection and most likely spread it everywhere throughout the house especially in the shower and bathrooms. The house that my ex wife and kids are living in is completely covered from us passing it back and forth to one another. Therefore if they ever move out whoever moves in next will also get infected with the bacteria. It's one of the hardest bacterias to kill and most medical testing will not pick up on it. Actually one of my mother's friends just passed recently from multi organ failure because of it being spread to her it first put her into liver failure. I notified the doh here in Arizona and they did nothing about it not did they care. Ignorance is bliss. There's an epidemic of this plagueing our country right now and it's going under the radar and no one is picking up on it. It's being linked to Alzheimer's disease right now they found numerous strains of it in deceased patients brains after doing autopsies and testing for it. It's causing the explosion of GI and arthrits issues in our country too and I believe that it's causing cancer and autism too. Actinomycetes cause organic decomposition with whatever it comes into contact with. Which is why farmers get it alot because they are commonly found in soil and compost piles. Read t. whipplei causes epidemic fever in Senegal and then also read the study they did on 7 arthrits patient's who thought they had
Arthritis and every one of them was tested for t. whipplei and showed positive for it. It's time to start opening our eyes and spreading the truth. This bacteria acts like a fungus that's why a lot of people think it's fungus they're suffering from when really it's t. whipplei or actinobacteria. Hope this will help many people. It easily spreads to other organs especially the liver, heart, skin, and brain. It doesn't just affect the stomach.