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Re: Chronic fatigue and liver flushing
hitech1134 Views: 6,155
Published: 7 y
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Re: Chronic fatigue and liver flushing

I can't believe that I'm reading this. I have had all of these symptoms for over 10 years now and they aren't a vague form of these, they are at least as intense as it's been conveyed, even down to waking up after sleeping deeply for the entire weekend and not knowing who you are or where you are till you get your bearings straight. The pulsating in the legs mentioned to me can be described like air bubbles circulating through your leg arteries.
I have been investigating whether or not it is the home I'm living in.
The symptoms started after moving in here, and the house has tested for extremely high radon gas levels, I'm also considering if there is mould issue somewhere?

This is the first time I've heard anyone link it to the liver, even though my liver has severe scaring, they tell me, yet I do not drink! I don't think the doctor believed me. I found that if I fast and stay away from bread and dairy products then I feel like a 20 year old. My hair loss is substantial especially as for me I used to be fairly hairy my entire life, now I very little left on my legs. All the symptoms mentioned/listed I have, I know it seems to be made worse by food, every time I eat, my ears starts ringing loudly with minutes.

So, I'm I to understand that I need to start doing Liver Flushes to cure this?
Thanks in advance for your help.


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