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Re: Think i have scabies.. help!
cwm77 Views: 3,028
Published: 10 y
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Re: Think i have scabies.. help!

Okay it looks like scabies. Here in new england the are called Bed Bugs. They are tiny little insects like mites worse than fleas. It's more common in places that are lived in by a lot of people. Lots of Brooklyn apartments or other cities have MAJOR issues with this.

The oils usually come in like 1 oz brown glass bottles you rub right into your skin. They also sell soaps that you shower with that will kill the scabies and relieve your skin to prevent it from getting worse that's probably the best bet. Shower and wash your body and hair really well with the soap. You can also buy a spray that you spray onto your mattresses, couches, floors anywhere and everywhere their is padding or cushions and then you wash EVERYTHING your clothes your bedding and throw away anything you don't need that could be contaminated. SCABIES CAN EVEN LIVE IN WOODEN CHAIRS. I have seen it. Bed bugs are pretty serious and won't go away if they aren't dealt with in a way that prevents them from coming back. Essential oils is the cheapest and fastest thing I have found.


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