Think i have scabies.. help!
Please help, i think i have scabies. I have put pictures to identify it..
I started getting bumps since 5 days ago, some flesh colored and some red ones on my hands, then its spreading to my thigh and even the back of my thigh.. now im even feeling itch on my face and especially my ears, on and behind my ears. I think i have itch on my scalp too but my ears are distracting me from that. My ears are now red and hot and i cant check myself if i have any bumps there.. im so scared!
I do not get close to anyone other than my family so im not sure even if i have scabies where i got it from unless it was from seats in cinemas/school lecture halls.
The bumps are spreading and just driving me insane. Most of the time i can sleep, but just yesterday night i woke up around 3am cause i was scratching unknowingly. My father does have some painful and itchy blisters on his hand, i do not know if it is the scabies spreading.
If it really is scabies, what can i do?? My washing machine doesnt do hot temperature.. can i just wash everything i touched in hot water??
I have heard of paraclear DE, will it help??
Please help me.