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Re: My 11 year old Jack Russel Terrier has tumors and I need dosing information to get rid of them!!
Dquixote1217 Views: 7,293
Published: 11 y
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Re: My 11 year old Jack Russel Terrier has tumors and I need dosing information to get rid of them!!

Sorry I missed this earlier, Hanna. I suppose you could overdo it, but I have never heard of it happening and I know of a very large group of users. There is a pretty sizable "cult" of Inositol/IP6 users down in Utopia, Texas where the Utopia-Silver Supplements Company is located and where I lived for a couple of years. They use it for pets and other animals as well as humans. What happened was that a guy moved to town, sang the supplement's praises (the one he used was Cell Forte, which contains inositol/IP6 and some other items suche as cats claw) and begged the owner of the company to carry it. The local postman used it with great success and was soon signing it's praises far and wide and other successes soon followed. One can never predict with certainty, but the combo of Cell Forte and Colloidal Silver has done wonders with dogs, horses and other animals with fatty tumors. All the best, Tony.


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