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Send Private Message To Dquixote1217 Send Email To Dquixote1217 I am a natural health researcher and advocate as well as an author of books and articles about natural health and alternative remedies including ”Cancer’s Natural Enemy” and ”Collected Remedies”. I also write country songs and humorous anecdotal stories. Recently I moved to the scenic solitude and beauty of the Texas Hill Country west of Utopia, Texas to work on a major book project, continue my research, serve as a consultant to the Utopia Silver nutritional supplement company (http://www.utopiasilver.com) and contribute as a featured author to their Silver Bulletin Newsletter (http://www.utopiasilver.com/featured_articles.htm) In the past few years, I helped a multi-agency government probe expose a fake cancer drug scheme and also assisted in exposing a string of fake medicine websites promoting bogus cures for Cancer, the Flu and other illnesses that led to a three part special on Fox News and action by the FDA in shutting down the sites and business operations. I invite everyone who enjoys my posts to come visit my new CureZone forum Ask Tony Isaacs. |
My homepages and my Blogs: http://www.rose-laurel.com http://www.tbyil.com (under construction) http://thebestyearsinlife.blogspot.com/ |
My Favorite Forums Ask Tony Isaacs - http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=861 Oleandersoup (moderator) - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/oleandersoup/ CureZone - http://www.curezone.com Herbal Musings - http://forums.delphiforums.com/herbalmusings/ Cancer_alternatives - http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/cancer_alternatives/ Living With Cancer - http://forums.delphiforums.com/livingcancer/ Cancer Compass - http://www.cancercompass.com/message-board.htm?c=1002:5:1:2 |
My Favorite Blogs http://www.jonbarron.org/ |
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