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Need some help for my dad!! his WATER FAST..
search4truth Views: 1,583
Published: 12 y

Need some help for my dad!! his WATER FAST..

Hi everyone, how are you!

I'm posting in this forum because I have a concern about my dad. He and I recently watched Andrew Norton Webber's interviews about distilled water and the beauty of fasting with it to heal the body. He is totally opposed to urine therapy LOL but decided to go for a 2-week distilled Water Fast - yay!

My dad is 300 lbs, a GMO-eater, GMO-meat eater, obsessed with carbs, wheat, does not eat ANYTHING of nutritional value. he is constantly inflamed, low testosterone, high blood pressure, pre-diabetic, anxious, constipated, the list goes on. he has had several growths on his body.

hopefully, this will be a new leaf for him. i've been teaching him about only eating plant-based raw foods, making him watch every documentary (fat sick and nearly dead) and he is really listening. i love my dad so much and want him to live.

ANYWAY, so he has been on this fast for 4 days and we ran into a problem. he takes blood pressure and blood Sugar medications that MUST BE EATEN WITH FOOD because they are fat soluble. he has been taking them still, but obviously with no food. he just took his blood pressure and i think it was 150/110 and he says that's very high for him. he's VERY worried.

what should he do?? please any advice is so welcomed.. stop taking the meds? still take the meds? continue/stop the fast? modify the fast to maybe include coconut oil when he takes his meds?



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