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Re: Fasting effects on the face??
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Re: Fasting effects on the face??

Muscles build up when you exercise them. They will wane away when you stop using them. So the answer, like chrisb1 says is to deal with the cause of bruxism

I once worked with a friend who had that, he was under great stress at the time and drank lots of tea and coffee which I am sure didn't help.

The only thing I'd say about fasting is it takes energy away from you, so during a fast gnashing your teeth may become a luxury you can't afford, but is that good? Danger is you may then go on to try and stop eating even more to be free from that problem without dealing with the cause.

Even when you fast you have to eat at least half the time between fasts, so my advice to anyone would be to try and remove any causative factors as per the wikipedia list and look more closely at what you eat (continued here)


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